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Askeri konularda çıkan yayınlar II

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri Disiplin Kanunu Şerhi (2 Cilt)

Orhan ÇelenNihan Dokumacıoğlu
Adalet Yayınevi Mayıs 2022

TSK İç Hizmet Kanunu ve Yönetmeliği - Askeri Ceza Kanunu - TSK Disiplin Kanunu - TSK Personel Kanunu ve İlgili Mevzuat
Orhan Çelen Adalet Yayınevi
Şubat 2023

Askeri Ceza Kanunu Şerhi (2 Cilt)
Orhan Çelen Adalet Yayınevi Ocak 2023

Dünya Askeri Tarihi Mesut Uyar, Yeditepe Yayınevi, 2023, 
Kağıt Kapak – 28 Ağustos 2023

Başarıya dair özlü sözler

Büyük aşkların ve büyük başarıların büyük riskler içerdiğini unutma. Kim iyi yaşamış, bol bol gülmüş ve çok sevmişse, başarıyı yakalamış demektir. Bessıe Anderson Stanley 

Ders alınmış başarısızlık başarı demektir. Malcom S. Forbes

Mağlubiyete uğrayınca ümitsizliğe kapılma, her başarısızlıkta bir zafer arzusu yatar. Germaın Martın 

Başarısızlıklar, kuvvetlilere daha da kuvvet verir. Saınt Exupery

Her şeyin mühim noktası, başlangıçtır. Eflatun 

Bütün büyük işler, küçük başlangıçlarla olur. Cıcero

Ya başlamamalı, ya da bitirmeli. Ovıdıus

Çalışanlar, kötülük düşünmeye vakit bulamazlar. Çalışmayanlar ise, kendilerini kötülükten kurtaramazlar. Hz. Ali

Basit bir adamın elinden geleni yapmaya çalışması, zeki bir adamın tembelliğinden iyidir. G. Gracıan

Bilginin efendisi olmak için çalışmanın uşağı olmak şartdır. Balzac

Bilgi insanı şüpheden, iyilik acı çekmekten, kararlı olmak korkutan kurtarır. Konfüçyus 

7. Supreme courts


 a. Military Court of Appeals

 The finalization of decisions taken by the military courts belongs to the Military Court of Appeals as the last judiciary organ. lt is a supreme court constituted by codes in compliance with the provision of supervisor within the constitution.

Military Court of Appeals consists of Directorate, Chief Prosecution and five departments comprising one director and seven members. The Military Court of Appeals Chief and Chief Prosecutor have the rank of Brigadier General where as the others are soldiers are colonels and lieutenant colonel.

 The departments take the decisions the particıpatıon of one director and four members.

 The members of Military Court of Appeals are chosen by the present and with the absolute majority of the fu|l members of the related General Board out of the candidates as the three fold of every vacant post.

 The detailed information relating to the Military Court of Appeals will be provided during the visit to be made to this court.

 b. Supreme Military Administrative Court

 This court is a supreme court set up with a code in 1971 in compliance with the provision of supervisor within the Constitution. lt deals with the executive suits pertaining to the officers and military service. The decisions of this court where the disagreements asising out of executive procedures and acts are final.

 The officers are likely to be subject the violaion of their rights or interests due to the procudures and acts contrary to the law made by the Administrative Office. The judiciary body to which they may appIy in such cases is the Supreme Military Administrative Court.

 The Supreme Military Administratlve Court consists of Directorate, Chief Prosecution and two Departments covering one director and six members.

 The Chief of the Supreme Military Administrative Court is a Brigadier General where as the other are soldlers with the rank of colonel and lieutenant colonel.

 The four members in each department are military judges while the other two are staff officers. The staff officers appointed by the President out of three candidates chosen by the Administrative Office work in that post for four years.

ln this process, they status equals to judge and enjoy every right they have. The members of the Supreme Military Administrative Court who are judges by profession are chosen by the President along with the absolute majority of all members of the General Board of the Supreme Military Administrative Court.

 The detailed information relating to the Supreme Military Administrative Court will be provided during the visit to be made to this court.


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